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Ingredients that make up a great film

             There is a multitude of ingredients that make a great film. Films have the ability to show us the best and worst parts of being human and also to touch our hearts in a way that no other mediums can. It all begins with a great script, then you need actors. Actors are important because they help paint the picture of what is happening so the story becomes more believable. The location is also important because the accuracy and mood of the movie depend on where it is shot. For instance, in Gone with the wind the directors had to decide on what time of day the movie was going to finish. .
             If he was to go off into the night then we would assume that he wasn't coming back, but if he left during the day and it was nice out then we would assume that he was definitely coming back. So this leaves us with him leaving into a foggy type environment so we kind of have to think for ourselves about the conclusion.
             The matrix is also another movie that combines many key elements of film making, like special effects, to create a physically impossible yet visually astounding world. The idea of living in a virtual world is one that stimulates our minds with endless possibility, and makes for a great film. Even though the plot of this movie might have been hard to understand at first, the director kept the basic storyline from getting lost.
             Good film making also comes into place when the director can take old stories and modernize them for today's culture, making them seem like a story we've never seen before.
             Some key elements you can observe while watching a movie is writing, acting, cinematography design, music, editing and direction.
             If you have good dialogue in a film, it will sound natural and believable. If the movie seems and sounds natural then you know that the actors are doing their jobs.
             Cinematography and design create the visual components of a movie. Without them we would be bored. By using music, the director can carry out his desired emotion and mood.

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