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            In order to find the right career for oneself, one must examine self-evaluation of interests. With all the positions to choose from, many people have a difficult time deciding which career path to take. Business / Management has many areas of profession that anyone can accomplish.
             Throughout my life, I have contemplated about which career I would pursue in the future, at one time, I was interested in nursing and psychology. After taking various courses in school and growing work experience, I have discovered that I enjoy the business field. This is why I have chosen to aim earn my Business Management degree and work my way to the top, as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a Fortune 500 company.
             Long before one exits the gate, one has to ask themselves what they want out of a job. For me, I want more of a rigorous and challenging first step toward a life long career.
             Managing a business involves a lot more than just having the interest of being one's own boss. It commands loyalty, diligence, the ability to make decisions, and the ability to manage both employers and finances. The management plan establishes the source for, and helps the success of the business.

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