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             Daisy Miller is a story related by a young, American man named Winterborne, who lives .
             Winterborne meets the lovely young lady named Daisy Miller at a Swiss resort in Vevey. He notices her, having no reservations about talking to strangers. He became a friend with her very quickly. He would love to introduce her to his aunt, but she thinks that Daisy is common, vulgar, and refuses to meet her. Daisy and her family decide to leave the resort and visit Italy. Several months passed until Daisy speaks to him again. She invited him to Italy. He finds Daisy with an Italian man named Giovanelli. Winterborne notices that Giovanelli is not what he considers a gentleman. After finding Giovanelli and Daisy at the Coliseum one night, Winterborne thinks of Daisy as "a young lady whom a gentleman need no be at pains to respect". .
             Daisy unfortunately died of Roman fever a week later. In some messages Daisy sent to Winterborne from her deathbed, he realizes that she was still a very innocent girl and desired his respect. Winterborne realizes that he has indeed lived "too long in foreign parts." He has been so influenced by conservative European social conventions that he was unable to appreciate Daisy's free and natural spirit.

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