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             Various Research Methodologies Used.
             In today's world of globalized competition every organisation wants to succeed and in order to achieve their targets and increase their targets they have to study their consumers. The researchers study the personalities of the consumers and try to form a some kind of understanding about the personalities like what the consumers like and what they don't. The companies try to formulate strategies based on the measurements of the researchers. Personality is the are inner psychological characteristics of the person that determine how the person responds to the environment. The researchers try to study the personalities of a target market by selecting a sample size and then study their behaviors regarding certain situations and find out how they respond to them. .
             In this assignment an attempt has been made to discuss the various theories used by the consumers researchers in studying the personalities of the people and the various theories developed. .
             Personality has been defined in many ways some have emphasized the dual influence of heredity and early childhood on personality development others have stressed broader social and environmental influences and the fact that personalities develop continuously over time. Some theorists prefer to define personality as a unified whole while others define it as being based on specific traits.
             Personality can be defined "as those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect tendencies that motivate a person's behaviour over time-.
             (Pg.122, Leon Schiffman, David Bednell, Elizabeth Cowley, Aron O' Cass, Judith Watson, Leslie Kanuk, Consumer Behaviour, 2001, 2nd Edn, NSW).
             Personality can also be defined as "those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment-.
             (Pg. 120, Leon Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Consumer Behaviour, 2004, 8th Edn, Prentice Hall, New Jersey).

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