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            William Shakespeare was a very extrodinary play writer. Society today and for many years have pushed the school systems to have their students read so many plays written by William Shakespeare. And why you ask? Well, you would ask that question if you actually knew some of the things he has actually written between those fine lines in his poetry. .
             If you are one of very many people who doesn't know about his hidden statements then you'd say William Shakespeare is a poet all kids should learn and know about. Take Romeo and Juliet for example: You might say that the story of the "star cross'd lovers" teaches us that opposites do attract, and anybody can fall in love at anytime. Like they fell in love at first sight. .
             It also teaches us about a certain kind of hate: such as Romeo and Juliet's family conflicts. They have a strong kind of hate. To the point where, when the two family's run in to each other, all they do is fight. But Romeo and Juliet have found the heart to forget about their names, and all they want to do is be together.
             And "William Shakespeare's-Julius Caesar" showed me a lot about hate, power, and ruling. From what I can remember from Julius Caesar, he was a very powerful man, and wanted things his way or no way. Now society must think, that learning about these types of issues is a valuable lesson, because these are the things that I'm getting out of reading these plays. I don't know if I am suppose to be getting something else out of it or not. .
             It teaches us about what things were like WAY back then, and that some people are like that now a days, and just in society in general.
             I also think society believes it is valuable because it gives us a connection to different generations. Our parents had to read, the people before them had to and so on. So it kind of is something everyone knows about and has in common. Like a universal theme almost. Everyone can relate to these kind of situations that Shakespeare portrays.

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