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Wrestling Sturbridge

            In only being allowed to do reports for three books I am glad I chose "Wrestling Sturbridge" as one of the three. It has a great plot with engaging characters and a well thought out story line. It holds an interesting story which I think was a great one to be assigned to us freshman. The main thing I liked about this book was that it was real, it was full of ingenuous writing and events that could actually take place. This story did not play games and use childish terms or speech. It read as we talked, and even used curses to appropriately reflect an average high school senior. This book also taught a lesson: Always believe in yourself, no matter what. .
             The title, "Wrestling Sturbridge", symbolizes one young mans struggles with his mind, body, town, and most importantly, his legacy. It's the tale of a high school senior by the name of Ben who lives in Massachusetts and is driven by one goal throughout this book: to win the state wrestling championship, but in doing so he is faced with one of the biggest challenges of his teen life, having to beat his best friend Al. .
             This story centers on Ben and his friends Al, Hatcher, and Digit as they all experience there last taste of glory as High School seniors on their schools wrestling team. This time, for Ben, is an abstract yet virtuous time in which he questions his ideas, his morals, his aspirations, and most of all his ability. Through the course of this story Ben grows physically and mentally and realizes that he is just as good as everyone else. Along the way he falls in love with a fellow classmate, Kate, who, through subtle urges, helps Ben come out of his un-self esteemed state of mind. .
             Ben is a very mundane young man who does not have any "stand out" characteristics besides his obvious determination and obdurate attitude at times. He is a young nab who is unhappy with his current situation in life, having to try and beat the best wrestler in school, who also happens to be his friend, and easing through his last year of school before he would have to go out into life.

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