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            In the play "Hamlet, the main character Hamlet has flaws in his personality that leads to the death of many characters. Hamlet's main flaw is that he is indecisive, he has to think everything through before acting. To stop Claudius suspecting anything Hamlet feigns madness "antic disposition" however throughout the play we are left puzzled to whether Hamlet is acting or is really mad. .
             In act 1 scene v Hamlet learns that Claudius has murdered his father. Hamlet is extremely angry and promises revenge on Claudius "O villain, villain smiling damned villain" It is in this scene that Hamlet decides to act mad "put an antic disposition on" this to stop anyone especially Claudius from finding out about his plan for revenge.
             It is only through his numerous soliloquies that we hear Hamlet's true feelings. The first of major significance comes in act 2 scene ii. It comes after his meeting with the players. He starts by saying "O what a rogue and peasant slave am I", he then compliments the skills of the player, he then says how amazing how his performance would have been if he had the passion as well as the skill. He is beginning to think that he is a failure because he wasn't able to act straightaway "Am I a coward?" He then really starts to criticise himself by saying "I am pigeon-liver"d and lack gall". At the end of his soliloquy he once again emphasises his hatred of Claudius he calls him a "remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!" Although Hamlet has not acted yet he still feels great hatred towards Claudius and wants to avenge his fathers death.
             His next soliloquy is also very important, he is contemplating suicide as he feels he has been failure by not being able to act "to be, or not to be" he wants to act so he can avenge his fathers death he feels that suicide is his only way out. Yet he is scared of death "undiscover"d country" and it is that what makes him stay and continue his work "bear those ills/than fly to others that we know not of".

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