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             Only about two hundred years old, the United States had developed into a major world power by the beginning of the 20th Century. The 1900's marked the beginning of a drastic change in the economy, communications and technologies. The world was in constant change. July 28, 1914 was a date that would change the world forever. That date marked the unthinkable, a war the would end in what is know as World War I. The United States involvement in both World War I and II was not immediate but crucial. The involvement in these wars drastically changed the way of the war and changed the home front and society of America during these times. During these times the United States was involved in an entanglement of engagements and policies between various nations all over the globe. The United States enters such affairs not only to protect themselves and their well being but also to promote democracy, manifest destiny, humanitarianism, and to expand and protect the American economy. .
             The United States began foreign policy and diplomatic policy to maintain four objectives, which include democracy, manifest destiny, humanitarianism, and economic expansion (Krawling, www.edu/odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/ essay1.htm#int). Democracy is the way in which our government runs. It is the right of the people of the nation to determine their own government. Manifest destiny is the belief that U.S. should expand to any which way possible and to demonstrate to the world how to live. Humanitarianism is described as the doctrine of ethics and humility toward the welfare of mankind worldwide. Economic expansion refers to increasing the American market overseas, which in turn guarantees jobs for the American middle class. These four objectives have been key factors in the defining and shaping of our country throughout its history, and they continue to influence the world (Krawling, www.edu/odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/ essay1.htm#int). .

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