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            Every woman is faced with the same life-challenging question, whether she should become a traditional housewife or whether she should pursue her life as a business professional. With these two alternatives to choose from, which path will you choose? The daily life of a married career woman can be compared to the life of the housewife because her time spent with family is different; her responsibilities and emotional satisfaction differs greatly as well.
             First, one of the considerations in choosing a path would be to decide base on her emotional satisfaction. A career woman could focus on her own needs and desires and depends on herself if something was to happen with her marriage. On other hand, housewives are dependent upon her husband" s support to deal with her life. As a career woman, one will be able to come in contact with the outside world and not be clustered in ones own home every hour of the day. However, a housewife stays in close contact with her family, especially her children who would grow up to respect her for the mom that she has been. In the marriage of a career woman, husband and wife and more equal because they both share the same responsibilities. The career woman is not expected by her husband to contribute her entire life in maintaining her home. Yet, husband depends on housewife to cook, keep house clean, and take care of children. .
             In addition, career woman and housewives use her time differently. A career woman has less them to spend with her family because she is at work most of her day. On the other hand, a housewife spends more time with family, especially with her children. She watches them grow older, she is always there to answer their questions, and most importantly she shows her children that she loves them. A career woman would most likely have more time for leisure. She is able to schedule days off of work for her own pleasure. On the other hand, housewives have less leisure time because they are working every hour of the day.

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