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Julius Ceasar


             Date of Publication: Julius Caesar was written in 1599 and it was most likely one of the very first plays to be performed in the new Globe Theatre. Although the writing of the play came much earlier, the play was not published until 1623. .
             Genre: The play of Julius Caesar can be classified as historical fiction, tragic drama or even historical drama. .
             Characteristics if genre: Julius Caesar was based on the true story of the real character and ruler of Rome. It is historical because it was based on certain events in history and retold history in specific terms according to Shakespeare. Although the story has some true aspects of it, such as the characters and the major outline of the story, particular occurrences throughout the play may not have actually happened. The story of Julius Caesar is a tragic drama because of many notable events in the play such as the deaths of some main characters. .
             Historical information about the period of publication: During the time that Shakespeare had been writing is now identified as the Elizabethan Era. Shakespeare, although he was from a fairly respected family, because of his lack of further education was not as highly as respected as he might have been. The difficulty for a play writer and poet to make something of themselves was very difficult. Shakespeare lived in a time that was very specific to class and structure of a man or woman. The higher in class that the person was, the more luxury they demanded. Eventually, by 1592 in London, William was beginning to make a name for himself. With Queen Elizabeth's high quality of entertainment standards and love for Shakespeare, William's career was able to flourish. The more and more famous his plays became, the more demanded they were by people of higher class. Later, his plays became such a great form of entertainment that he was put under the King's sponsorship. William Shakespeare became the most famous and most influential playwright of the time because of his closeness with adhering to the public and to those of higher stature.

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