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            Ghana - Under Economic Underdevelopment .
             After its independence in 1957, Ghana appeared relatively prosperous compared with many other African countries. Agricultural crops, including yams, grains, cocoa, oil palms, kola nuts, and timber, formed the base of Ghana's economy, which was moderately stable during that time. Hence, when the situation in Ghana is juxtaposed with some other African countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Mozambique and Uganda, where the estimates of income per capita are much lower, it is very easy to underestimate the severity of economic underdevelopment in Ghana. The truth is this problem, originated from Ghana's colonial history, is prevalent today. For example, a typical Ghanaian family has no portable water, electricity and other basic amenities. Actually, there are also some other African countries sharing the same situation or even worse. Due to the similarity in the developing process of Ghana and those African countries, if a solution for Ghana's economic hardship is found, it may also be applied to the African countries that are facing the same problem. To find a solution, it is critical to examine the problem of economic underdevelopment in Ghana in terms of its origin from the impact of colonialism, the constantly changing political environment, the economic mismanagement by its first post-independence government, and the underdevelopment in agriculture. .
             In most of the developing countries, there exist various social problems, such as lack of health care, social insecurity, and high rates of illiteracy. Many of these problems are brought up by poverty. Poverty is based on a variety of reasons; they can be economic instability, weak education systems, political mismanagement, or disadvantage in natural resources. Furthermore, these reasons always interact, and it is difficult to identify either the cause or the effect. They are associated with each other in a negative way; that means when a problem appears in a certain area, it subsequently causes problems in other areas, which eventually makes the situation much worse than it would have been.

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