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Benefits of Conducting Business in Canada


            As an entrepreneur living in the United States, and for some reason didn't want to operate a business venture here, my first choice, and best option for a foreign direct and profitable investment would be moving my business to the healthy and wealthy country of Canada. Canada is considered a well-developed country and is in fact one of the wealthiest in the world according to Beth Greenfield, a writer for Forbes. Canada is ranked 14th of the richest country on the planet with eighth highest per capita income globally, it's gross domestic product is 1.821 trillion USD for 2012, Canada is part of the G7 and the eleventh highest ranking in the Human Development Index according to hdrstats.org, also known as the International Human Development Report (HDR). .
             Since 1990, the Human Development Report has been publishing every year an index called the Human Development Index that has been used to measure every nation's development. The Human Development Index was created by Pakistani economist Mahbubul Haq and Indian economist Amarya Sen in 1990 and was published by the United Nations Development Programme (United Nations Development Programme). The data collected shows the progress of levels of income and the rate of economic growth. The information that is also collected reveals the basic aspects of human development such as health and education. .
             According to Hdrstats.org, "Between 1980 and 2012 Canada's HDI rose by 0.5% annually from 0.825 to 0.911 today, which gives the country a rank of 11 out of 187 countries with comparable data." The HDI indicates that Canada has been placed above the regional average and will continue to grow. Human Development Reports are important to know since the data shows how national locations are standing globally. Essentially HDRs can be used as tools of information to inform the public who will benefit by discovering areas where they perhaps would like to invest in or may be influenced in starting a physical profit or nonprofit business in Canada.

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