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            Do you think that killing a innocent person is murder? Well I do, and that is exactly what abortion is. It is the killing of a innocent baby who has done no harm. I think abortion should be illegal in the United States because of the following reasons: abortion puts the mother in danger of her life, abortion brings emotional scars, and it is not the baby's fault. .
             Abortions are done all over the United States everyday. Abortions are very dangerous. It puts the mother in such great danger of her life. There have been many cases in which the abortion has gone wrong. Some of the dangers a woman might come across is that she might not ever be able to have children. Another one is that the mother might die of blood loss. .
             After a woman has a abortion, the most common thing they get is depression. They get depressed because they think of what they did. Ever year on the date of the abortion it is very common for a women to get depressed. For the women whose abortions went wrong, it is harder because they know that they aborted the only baby they will ever have.
             My last and most important point is that it is not the baby's fault. Abortion is murder. You are killing the life of some one who has never had that chance to live life. No matter what the circumstances, you should at least give the baby a chance to live. .
             I hope I made you see that abortion is killing, and that it should be illegal. .

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