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Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn - Personality Comparison


            The Meyers Briggs Testing Indicator has been around for decades, since 1943 to be exact. Development of the long and diverse questionnaire was established to the curiosity a mother and daughter shared of the human mind. Katharine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers wanted to give others the opportunity to learn more about themselves and to better understand each individual person. This test is used to allow a person to indicate their personality type. Some may use the test to simply see how others may perceive them, but the test is also used by people to possibly see if their chosen career fits them. Nobody wants to go forward with a career they may not be able to handle. Since the test gives a good summary of the type of person you are, it may help a person determine if a particular career choice is a good choice for someone to persue. Meyers Briggs unveils very much information about each individual personality type, one may learn a thing or two about themselves just by reading the detailed results. There are sixteen, main personality types involved in MBTI (Meyers Briggs Testing Indicator). On Many occasions the test will relate to one's occupation. Two examples that come to mind could be Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn. These two women had two different personality types. Marilyn Monroe was considered, "The Performer. " Audrey Hepburn results were "The Idealist. " These two distinct icons with two different personality types had a few characteristics in common and that was that they came from nothing, they had the ability to draw attention, and they both were beauty icons.
             Everyone knows who Marilyn Monroe is and now, was. She was that blonde bombshell that many loved, adored, and whose face is still everywhere to never be forgotten. Marilyn Monroe was of "The Performer " category of the MBTI. Performer makes sense for someone like Monroe. She was an actress, a model, and a spokesperson for many things during her time era.

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