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History of Tesol


            "Changes in language teaching methods throughout history have reflected recognition of changes in the kind of proficiency learners need .they have also reflected changes in theories of the nature of language and of language learning- (Richards & Rogers 1990 p1) .
             Trace the development of language teaching being sure to show how any change in method or approach reflected the linguistic theory of the time.
             As is probably evident by the number of multilingual speakers around the world Language teaching has been around for many centuries. Over this time language needs and theories have changed immensely and these changes have reflected in the changing methods of Language teaching. .
             Prior to the 18th and 19th Centuries Language teaching would probably have focused on classical languages such as Ancient Greek or Latin where scholars would have been drilled in perfect grammar and translation. Latin in particular was considered to be a language of prestige and the way in which it was taught became a model for the way any language could be taught. .
             The grammar translation method (gtm) popular between the mid 18th and late 19th Century focused on direct translation from texts in and out of the target language. There is little or no theory around the translation method. This method focused solely on written texts, and as such students gained no knowledge or experience of the spoken langauage. There is no literature offering a rationale or justification for the method. The stress of the gtm was on accuracy.
             According to Howatt (2000) The earliest grammar-translation course for the teaching of English was written in 1793 by Johann Christian Fick (1763-1821) "Praktische englische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche beiderlei Geschlechts, 'tach der in Meidingers franzosische Grammatik befolgten Methode (Practical English Course for Germans of both sexes, following the Method of Meidinger's French Grammar).
             It was published Germany and as the title suggests it was based on the previous works of JohannValentin Meidinger (1756-1822).

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