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            Aids is a viral disease that destroys the bodies immune system.
             Aids was first discovered in 1981, nearly all infected were homosexual.
             men, and intravenous.
             It became more common in Hemophiliacs (people who get blood.
             transfusions often).
             Many immigrants from Africa and Haiti were also infected by the disease.
             Aids stands for Acquired Imunodeficency Syndrome.
             The early stages of AIDS is called HIV, or Human imunodeficency .
             Over 300,000 people have been diagnosed with aids in the United.
             States alone.
             130,000 have eventually died from it.
             Aids has become an epidemic, and is spreading quickly because of unsafe.
             sex acts.
             HIV is a retrovirus, which gives it the ability to become part of the.
             genetic material of the host material.
             It attaches itself to the lymphocytes, or T-cells, an important part of the.
             human immune system.
             When the T-cells reproduce, the HIV that was originally attached to it.
             also reproduces.
             HIV destroys the T-cells and the body becomes unable to fight off certain.
             opportunistic infections.
             11 million people worldwide are infected with the disease.
             As far as researchers know, AIDS is always fatal and there is no known.
             HIV can be transmitted in several ways: .
             By exchange of body fluids such as semen or blood with infected person.
             Sharing syringes (needle) with infected person.
             Being born to a mother infected with the virus.
             Receiving a blood transfusion containing the virus.
             HIV does not thrive outside the body, and human skin is an effective.
             barrier to it.
             The virus cannot be transmitted by using utensils, breathing the same.
             air, casual touching, or using the same toilet with an infected person. .
             AIDS manifests itself in the human body in this way:.
             Asymptomatic stage, a person with HIV may have symptoms similar to.
             those of Mononucleosis, such as sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, rash,.
             fever, and fatigue.
             Once the this all takes place the T-cells are not capable of protecting the.
             body and opportunistic diseases infect the body such as:.

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