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The Purpose and Necessity of Unions


            Image waking up everyday to the same tedious job, where the boss cuts wages and denying workers of benefits. Workers putting in the same amount of effort, but being trumped by coworkers who don't have drive because they fit the employer's preference better. Unions have a turbulent history. Some are opposed to the idea; on the other hand some are for it, unions are necessary and beneficial to workers.
             According to the article "American Labor Movement," the history of unions has been complicated and brutal because unions deal with people's lively hood and how well workers can support their families. During the 1800s, Unions were formed because workers were being taken advantage of and needed an outlet. In the beginning, government thought unions were criminal offenses. Whereas, farther on in the movement sometimes government supported unions and sometimes they banded against them. Furthermore, Democrats tend to support unions and Republicans tend to oppose unions. Unions were at their prime during the Great Depression, because the economy was so bad, and change was a high demand. Eventually, the economy got better and the need for unions began to decline in the 1950s. Unions ultimately gain benefits good paying jobs in better working conditions for all workers.
             In the article, different views on Unions were presented. Ezra Klein writer of "Do We Still Need Unions/Yes" from Newsweek stated that unions give employees the under hand, when it comes to them demanding certain things in the workplace. For instance, if safety procedures need to be strengthened within the company because it's interfering with work, employees can voice that and hopefully the business will resolve the conflict (12). This is important because safety hazardous in to be in place because emergencies are bound to happen from time to time. If these policies weren't in effect the business can be sued be workers/customers if they fail to meet regulations.

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