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A Look into Parapsycholgy


            This essay will attempt to document, with supporting references, what exactly has been revealed by scientists' latest research into the paranormal. Evidence will be provided both for and against the conclusions of these studies. The findings will be conveyed on the presence of some of the more bizarre phenomena you may hear of occasionally in the news. The history and public perception of paranormal studies will be briefly examined, as well as a view into current research studies and experiments and the controversies around them. Two main focuses of research, the Ganzfeld studies and Perrot-Warrick dream registry, will be chosen specifically. The author will close the paper by presenting a comprehensive conclusion, which summaries the ultimate view of truth surrounding parapsychology.
             Defining Parapsychology.
             In the past century, people have been becoming more and more questioning about the unexplainable things all around them. In this era of information, it is more commonly asked, "Why and how does this happen?" or "Is this really true?" Yet, it is almost in our human nature to believe in supernatural forces. One might think that the mind could separate the truth from fantasy, but as beings we sometimes allow our vivid imagination to blur reality. It wasn't until recently that scientists and others have actually tried to find answers for the unexplained mysteries all around us. Many of these investigations revolve around paranormal phenomena. Psychical Research and Parapsychology are the scientific methodologies that study these apparent anomalies. The philosopher Max Dessoir coined the term parapsychology around 1889. It was then adopted by J.B. Rhine in the 1930s as a replacement for the term psychical research in order to refer specifically to controlled experimental research into apparently paranormal abilities and phenomena (Melton, 2001).
             Parapsychology is the scientific study of interactions between living organisms and their external environment that seem to transcend the known physical laws of nature.

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