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Bullying and Sports Hazing


             Being a 29 year old male, I came from a different era I suppose. Bullying was present when I was a kid but it is a lot more prevalent these days. Bullying can be defined as a relationship problem characterized by an imbalance of power whereby a more powerful individual repeatedly causes harm to a weaker individual (Craig & Pepler, 2003). When I was younger bullying seemed to be more physical. You might get picked on or pushed, shoved, or beat up but kids these days are taking it to a new level. The most common forms of bullying in sports are verbal, physical, and relational. From what I have researched it seems that there is definitely still that physical aspect of bullying but there are more and more kids being broken down mentally these days. In my mind this is way worse than a couple of bruises and scratches from a school yard scuff. It is always tough to deal with a bully but in a team sport there are options. A good coach will have the entire team agree on a goal. By doing this a team will have a sense of camaraderie. If bullying is taking place against a single team player, other team mates will be sure to put a stop it. The competitive drive to win as a team will seem more important that bullying at a practice. The other players simply won't have it. .
             2. Hazing is the imposition of strenuous or humiliating tasks as part of a program of rigorous physical training and initiation. One recent documented act of hazing was at Newtown High School in Connecticut. The wrestling team was forced to forfeit four matches after several team members were caught trying to initiate a freshman by dunking his head into a toilet bowl (ESPN.com). While researching I found that most, not all, incidents were among athletes that were involved with more aggressive sports such as football, hockey, and wrestling. This is a growing issue and there are different ways that is has been handled. I believe that prevention and awareness are necessary in keeping this type of issue to a minimum.

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