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Nobody Likes a Bully


            Bullying is a growing problem amongst kids, teenagers, and adults. Bullying is an unneeded, aggressive behavior that involves power inequality between two or more people. The behavior can potentially be repeated. Kids, teenagers, and adults suffer from the effects of being bullied on an everyday basis. A few main causes of bullying are social acceptance, family issues, and abusive authority. If a person receives more social acceptance for negative behaviors more than positive behaviors, then that could be a contributing factor to why he/she bullies. For example, comedy shows, reality television, and even real life situations show that acting rude tends to draw more attention than behaving politely or well mannered. Also, jealously with lack of social skills to deal with self-feelings can result in a person bullying someone that he/she envies. For instance, when I was in the seventh grade there was an eighth grader who bullied me after he found out I was dating his ex-girlfriend that he had separated from a year ago. He received a lot of attention from his friends and other students for being a hardcore bully. Also, he bullied me because he did not know how to socially deal with his problems. There are many people like him who have a difficult time approaching others in a positive way, which in his case, resulted in bullying.
             Another thing to keep in mind is that not all families easily get along. Families that do not share feelings amongst one another can lead to having children who bully family members or other children, as a result. Children who have a tendency to receive less discipline or monitoring from a parent are more likely to become bullies. Young children seek attention and a lively atmosphere in their household, but if they receive neither then there is a chance they would acquire a higher chance of passing social rejection on towards other people through bullying. In particular, I have younger cousins who act like this.

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