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Persuasive Essay - SADD and MADD


            I don't think it's good to drink and drive because it can kill you. 10,076 people were killed by drinking and driving in 2013. Alcohol inhabits your ability to think clearly. It's against the law to drink and drive. Drinking and driving is not only dangerous for the community, but it's dangerous for the person behind the wheel. Four out of every five drunk drivers are men. Drinking and driving is on of the leading cost of death in the United States and that should be an eye-opener to Americans.
             Alcohol related crashes are the leading cause of death between the ages of 16 and 24 years old. One life is lost every 20 minutes in a alcohol related car crash. Some believe that they drive better drunk only because their body is relaxed. Which is unsafe. They are not aware of the dangers. You could kill someone, take your own life, imprisonment, criminal records, and increased insurance rate. 16 – 24 are very young ages to die. Well any age is to young to die due to drinking and driving.
             Over 394,000 people have died in the past 20 years from alcohol-related crashes. 300 or more people are killed each week and 45 or more people are killed each day. 11,773 people killed from crashes. Drinking and driving is a selfish act by putting others in danger. If you have had alcohol consumption more the .08 and you are driving you will go to jail. Alcohol is liquid courage. Those who drive drunk believe that they will not wreck until they are slamming on the breaks and panicking. So if you had any form of alcohol it is not okay to drink even if your body tells you other wise. SADD (Student Against Disruptive Decisions), it's one of the nations lathers organizations. It was found in 1981 and has expanded by adding Drinking and Driving to their topics of discussions. The best way to prevent is by stop buying alcohol for those not of age. SADD has built networks everywhere. 350,000 people are dedicated to SAD.

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