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            I have been given an English class presentation about the war on Iraq in Newsweek. I am allowed to operate any type of technology to convey my subject to the audience. In order to make my presentation effective: I will have to collect all the information on our present situation with the war on Iraq, formulate my main objective or goal for the presentation, organize a simple yet detailed outline of my presentation, and give both pros and cons, of U.S. going to war with Iraq.
             Obviously, research work and pictures are needed first to start a project. I plan to use pictures and other sorts of media files to deliver an effective presentation to the audience. Some media applications that I will use are: video clips, audio files, and the Interactive Internet program. Applying audio and video files will help to simplify the subject context for the audience. "A picture is worth a thousand words." It is important that the sender simplifies text into a "language" that the recipient will be able to understand. The Interactive Internet program will serve to show the audience, both the U.S.'s and Iraq's views on each other. The way this will work is that, I will "hook" up with students in Iraq (English speaking) and ask them their views on Iraq's diplomacy with the U.S. The Interactive Internet program will be done in the Library (Distance Learning room). This will be like video conferencing, except that in place of CEOs, there will be students. The time will have to be set during my presentation, so that the students .
             in my classroom will able to converse with the students of their school. The Interactive Internet will make my presentation both enjoyable and informative at the same time.
             Different types of technology will have to be implicated to inform the audience on my subject. Some programs going to be used are: PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and a video projector. Microsoft Word will be used to make my main essay on the war with Iraq subject.

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