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             A young housewife who tires easily, feels rundown, and is sleepy most of the time. A girl who is oversensitive to cold weather. A victim of severe headaches. Someone who is unusually prone to infections. A man or woman in a severe state of mental depression, a sufferer of severe pain in their joints. Varied as these symptoms are, there is one striking common factor: low thyroid function. Forty percent of Americans (four of every ten children and adults) are affected by some degree of hypothyroidism (Barnes 31). Hypothyroidism, as prevalent as it is, is too often going unrecognized. If left untreated, it can lead to a number of serious problems. .
             The Thyroid.
             Until about a century ago, all complex processes that took place in the body were thought to be controlled by the nervous system. But there are altogether too many phenomena that occur in the body that seem to have no relationship to the nervous system. The explanation for this was found in certain glands, endocrines, of which the thyroid is one.
             The thyroid is located in the throat just below the Adam's apple but above the breastbone. It produces the hormones T3 and T4 (Thyroid Problems 30). The thyroid, through its hormonal secretions, functions as the body's thermostat. Each cell in the body burns food and sets energy free. Some of this energy is released as heat. Thyroid secretions are essential for the operation of the cell, determining how hot the cell gets and the speed of the activity in the cell. "Metabolism" refers to the heat within the body's cells (Thyroid online).
             The thyroid gland is a factory. To produce the secretions it produces, it must have raw material to work with. If it lacks adequate materials, production slumps. Hypothyroidism is mostly caused by genetics (although age and sex are both factors), but malnourishment can also lead to a "slump" in thyroid production. This is why low thyroid function is on the rise, especially in America.

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