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the attitude on the road


             As we live in the modern world, driving is a major role play in our daily activities. Most of us having experience driving on the highway at high speed is a not pleasure task. You might have known there are kinds of drivers on the road. If you are in the middle traffic, you might notice some different character expression surrounding you, especially drivers" attitude. The way they drive, the way of speed as they accelerate the pedal and the way nonverbal and verbal reaction they respond. Have you ever categorized which type a driver you are? If you don't, here your chance to find out, you might fit in one of these catalogues. Drivers break into three difference categories: Aggressive drivers, enthusiasm drivers, and daydream drivers. .
             At first, when drivers with attachment nicked named Mr. "Aggressive", these drivers are out of control when they are on the road. They are major causes of collision because they don't obey traffic laws. They are inconsiderate, intimidate, and impatient drivers. They often find trouble when they try to get their final destination. They refuse to obey the simple safety procedure when they on the road. A good example is that they like to cut off the other drivers without a signaling. You hate it when they do not yield when they have a yield sign. You feel annoying when they weave in and out without consideration. You would jump out the car and scream at them to wake their god of conscience. When the light turns on green, they accelerate gas pedal to maximize on the way bottom. You almost hear a squeak and impact sound from the tires screeching through your ears. They fantasize of speeding beyond speeding limit post if it seemed just escaping from county prison or running for their life. They never thought the consequence if a collision has occurred. Another example, when the traffics are jamming, they can't control with their anger. They like to horn and flash light to intimidate to other drivers to get out their way.

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