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            Mary Shelley's, Frankenstein is a Romantic story where it portrays both good and evil. The evil comes from comes from things that bring upon pain, like in the book death. Good comes from things that bring pleasure, like when Victor is feeling sad or depressed he goes to nature for his soul to be replenished. Throughout the entire novel Victor overextends the boundaries of what mankind was meant to do. In his eagerness and arrogance to control every part of life, didn't even stop to consider what his consequences of his actions might be. It didn't faze him that life and death are not to be tampered with.
             Victor, born and raised by his loving mother and father in Italy, he remained the only child for several years. "I was their plaything and their idol, and something better their child?.,'said Victor. When Victor was around the age of 5 his parents adopted a poor little girl, by the name of Elizabeth. Victor's mother presented Elizabeth to him as if it was a present to him, someone for him to take care of and protect. .
             At a young age Victor was confronted with his mother's death from Scarlet Fever. Victor thought he should have control over these events, not God. He anticipated the " dominion I should acquire and transmit over the elemental foes of our race.? He felt helpless and grief-stricken. .
             Victor pursued going to the University of Ingolstadt, and their he became very knowledgeable. He stayed away from home for quite sometime. Victor studied natural philosophy and chemistry that was his soul occupation. He was especially interested in the human body, and from that started his own creation. He consumes different parts from different bodies; he spent long hours, days, months, and years on his creation. It was on a dreary night that he had finally finished. He couldn't explain his emotions, the sight of such an ugly creature that breathed heavily, his skin didn't fully cover the arteries and muscles, and he had black hair and black lips and a yellowish skin color.

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