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            One of today's most controversial topics is abortion. This issue is so powerful, it has divided people into two groups: pro-life and pro-choice. Although I am inherently biased, I believe that information on the subject of abortion should be factual, not emotional. And so, I offer a strictly objective and thorough look into the controversy that is abortion.
             In the United States, abortion has been legal since 1973 following the verdict of the Roe v. Wade court case. This resolution was the most significant in the history of abortion in America. It decided that abortions should be legal if there was a persuasive reason to have one, such as was confirmed in Jane Roe's case. Thus, the fact remains to this day that a woman can legally abort her baby at any time during her pregnancy - even at the day of birth. (Hull, 36).
             Since abortion was legalized 30 years ago, approximately 1,500,000 babies have been aborted each year. One out of six women in this nation have had abortions. (Landes, 136) Many times, they were unaware of the procedure or the risks involved. There are various different methods of induced abortion depending on the time it is done. In the first week there are micro-abortions caused by "contraceptive" drugs and devices. After implantation there are those provoked by drugs such as RU 486, Methotrexate and Prostaglandins. In the first trimester there are surgical abortions like suction and D&C. In the second and third trimesters there are instillation types, D&E, intracardiac injections and partial birth abortions. But whatever approach a woman chooses, she is subject to expected side effects. (Landes, 21).
             RU-486, also known as the "French" or "morning-after" pill is a drug that produces an abortion after implantation. Taken after the mother misses her period, it can be used up to the second month of pregnancy. It works by blocking progesterone, a critical hormone during pregnancy.

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