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             The United States has been a nation of immigrants. Every day thousands of Mexicans and Central Americans cross the U.S.-Mexican border carrying little more than dreams of a better life. Large groups of people decided to make America their home for these reasons reasons. freedom, better life, and economic. these factors have played significant roles in America's immigration history. .
             First, illegal immigrants should be allowed into America. An illegal immigrant is any person who enters the United States illegally, or any person who enters legally and stays past the time legally allowed. There are many arguments that support allowing illegal immigrants into America. I think ilegal immigrants are essential to the American economy, they contribute more to the government than they receive in benefits, and current immigration policies are discriminatory.
             Second, while illegal Mexicans work in the fields, wash dishes, and labor in sweatshops, millions of Americans would rather sit on stoops and wait for welfare checks. Also,illegal immigrants contribute much more money to the government than they receive in benefits; therefore, are not a social burden. Illegal immigrants pay millions of dollars into Social Security that they will never collect. They also pay state income, sales, and property taxes for which they receive few benefits. Also, illegal immigrants pay $83 million taxes each year and they receive medical services costing only $2.7 million per year.
             Third, without illegal immigrants, many United States factories would go offshore. Illegal immigrants usually work in low paying positions that most Americans refuse to do. Therefore, whenever there was a shortage of farm workers, the INS border patrol pretended that they didn't see the Mexican workers crossing the border; because, illegal workers provide a flexible, low cost labor pool for United States companies, thus allowing local companies to compete with inexpensive imports from cheap labor companies.

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