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Chocolate war power struggles


            In the novel the Chocolate War Archie is popular, manipulative, and .
             He also gets everything he wants because of these traits. There are .
             many people who look up to Archie in the school. There are also a lot of people .
             who envy him for things he has that they want. In each power struggle involving.
             Archie in the chocolate war by Robert Cormier, Archie posses something his .
             opponents want.
             Emile Janza doesn't really treat anyone with respect, except Archie .
             Costello. Emile only respects him because Archie has an embarrassing picture of .
             Emile that he uses as blackmail. Emile wants the picture, but doesn't know that it.
             doesn't actually exist. Emile also feels very envious towards Archie because he .
             has a lot of power in the school. Archie is the star of the Vigils, a popular prank .
             pulling club that everyone wants to be a part of, especially Emile. Emile wants .
             the picture, Archie's popularity, and his part in the Vigils. .
             The chocolate sale was supposed to be voluntary. Jerry didn't take part in .
             selling the chocolates. At first, some kids praised him for it. Brother Leon was .
             upset about it, along with the Vigils. Archie was the one to turn everyone against.
             Jerry. Jerry was tormented so much that he wished he had Archie's power of .
             persuasion to stop what Archie had started.
             Brother Leon wants as much chocolate sold for his promotion to head .
             master. When the chocolate sales weren't going well he relied on Archie to make.
             selling the chocolates "the cool thing to do." He knew Archie had great .
             influence over the students. This chocolate sale, along with his job, relied on .
             Archie. Brother Leon wanted Archie's power of influence over the students to .
             sell the chocolates, and become headmaster.
             In each power struggle involving Archie in The Chocolate War by Robert.
             Cormier, Archie posses something his opponents want. Each one of Archie's .
             opponents wants different qualities that he has. Archie has many different .

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