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             Our world has become a small village with the advent of globalization and its aftermath, but what is the basis of society and what keeps it tied together? Family is no doubt the basic foundation of any nation and it is the haven where citizens are raised and acquire their values, traditions and customs. It is therefore extremely.
             important to think of marriage as it is the only way to form a family .
             Marriage is the bond that ties a couple together in order to create a family that should provide warmth and happiness to husband, wife and children. However, this is not the case in all marriages as the rate of divorce has increased drastically. So what are the reasons behind divorce and how could we solve this problem which is taking its toll of human life and society and the nation as a whole.
             The first major reason is the difficulty to adapt to a new life with its demanding responsibilities. The young wife imagines that her new married life will be full of ease happiness and love. She expects to have a maid to do all the housework. She assumes that her husband will continue expressing his love to her as during their engagement. .
             On the other hand, the husband thinks he will have everything at the tip of his fingers as his wife would obey all his orders and would provide him with all his needs. Thus both couples are faced with the shocking fact of the reality of marriage.
             A second reason that causes divorce is the increasing demands of children especially when they are newly born. In nine months the couple may have to endure lack of sleep and the constant crying of babies that sometimes drive mothers to depression and alienation. The father sometimes is asked to share in the responsibility but in most cases he rejects this as the male role is always tied to work and providing for the family. As the mother is overburdened with the responsibilities of her children a gap is created and she loses touch with her husband who seeks his friends.

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