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             Hero's come in many shapes and sizes. Some have great strength others have great intelligence or wit. Hero's are not all the same and other people might not consider them a hero. In my case I think that there are three real heroes in my life. In the winter of 2000, three regular people became heroes in less then 20 minutes. .
             On a brisk December morning four of my friends woke up and got ready for school as normal thinking nothing out of the ordinary. My friends are all very laid back guys who are kind hearted and polite. All three of my friends departed for school that morning with smiles on their faces and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The forecast for today was cold during the morning and rising temperatures in the afternoon. School went by slow and boring as usual for every kid on the planet. As the day went school seemed to drag slower then a snail over salt. But eventually school let out and my three friends took off out the doors towards the park to their houses. Along with my three friends another teenager walk along with them through the melting snow. As they all reached the park my three friends started to take a shortcut across the pond, but about ten feet in they realized the ice was very wet and thought it could be very dangerous and turned around and started to walk around the pond. The other kid with them kept going and started calling them cowards and other inappropriate comments. My friends, being the bigger persons, just ignored the very ignorant child and started off towards home again. At this point they were sort of concerned with getting out of their wet clothes and getting something to eat.
             Shortly after there departure from the melting pond they suddenly heard a crack and splashing water. The ignorant child who taunted and made false accusations to my friends had fallen into the pond. My friends without thinking devised a plan within seconds.

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