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Why we see colers in bubbles


            We see color in bubbles because of iridecence. Iridesince is the visual property of something having a milky brightness; colors are produced by the interference of light waves of mixed frequencies in thin films. To get theses colors, light has to penetrate into the transparent skin of the bubble and double reflect. Transparent means that light and detail can be seen. When light passes through the skin of the bubble it reflects in two places. Reflects mean to bounce off a surface. Light reflects once from the outside surface and once from the inside surface of the film. Inside the bubble we can see a few colors.
             When we look into the bubble we can see a few colors. Inside the bubble we can see shades of yellow, purple, blue, and green repeating themselves. When we can see color inside a bubble that means that the thickness of the bubble is just right to give us that color we see. We can also see white light and black which is the color of the black whole. When we see white light that means that no colors have be subtracted living its complimentary color. When we see black that means that the bubble is so thin that it can't capture any light and color in it.
             When we see a black whole in a bubble, we can blam this also iridessence. The bubble is also extremely thin ( one-millionth of an inch thich ). Light reflecting inside the bubble cancels the light reflecting on the out side of the bubble. Reflecting is anouther maner of bouncing off (like a miror).
             At the stage of a black whole, the bubbles thickness is extremely thin. This is all because of gravity which ties into time. As time passes, the atoms ontop of the bubble are beeing pulled down so therefor the bubble is thicker on the bottom than on the top.
             When a black whole appears, the light that is beeing reflected on the inside and the out, cancel each other out another form of color subtraction. Because with the thinnest film, the light reflecting from the inside surface meets and cancels all the light reflecting from the outside surface.

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