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             In the past, it was originally called Samhain, the end of summer. This was a festival celebrated by the Celtic Druids to end the harvest season and begin the winter season and was celebrated and created October 31st. This was the end of their year. November 1st was the beginning of the New Year. Samhain, The Festival of the Dead, was observed in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. .
             Why was halloween created?.
             As evening drew near, they began preparations for the Vigil of Samhain (The Lord of Darkness). It was believed that the evil between the living world and the spirit world was at its thinnest, and that spirits could cross over and walk the earth once more. Communication with dead kinsmen was also believed to be possible at this time, and that all magical powers were enhanced greatly. .
             Where was halloween created?.
             Samhain, The Festival of the Dead (Halloween) was observed in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland first. It was first created because they believed that evil spirits might find their way in and possess the living. .
             They burned criminals and sick animals which thought to possessed.
             What caused halloween to be created?.
             The criminals and sick animals along with witches, caused halloween to be created. They thought spirits would possess them, so they burned them. The people would also dress up in furs and scary masks a prelude to our dressing up in costumes. They hoped that the evil spirits would be scared away or would mistake them for animals and wouldn't try to possess their bodies. .

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