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Pearl Harbor: The Day of infamy


             A day of no forgiveness and a day for much hate. The day Isoroku Yamamoto and the Japanese navy bombed Pearl Harbor. Many people died do to this attack. Americans were unprepared so the enemy had the advantage.
             Isoroku Yamamoto, a Japanese general for the Japanese navy. He is the general who lead the attack on Pearl Harbor.
             Isoroku Yamamoto was born in Nagatcha Japan in 1884. Isoroku Yamamoto was put up for adoption, he was adopted by a man named Takano. Isoroku was named after his real father. His fathers name Takano, means fifty-six. At the age of nineteen he joined the navy. During the time he was in the navy, he went to war (Russo Japanese war). He was later promoted to a higher rank. In 1914-1919 he attended the imperial Navy staff college. In 1919 he spent two years at Harvard. He traveled between the United states and Japan frequently. During the visits back to Japan he was promoted to the rank of captain. After being promoted he was assigned to an aircraft carrier. In 1936 he was appointed Imperial naval vice minister of the Japanese Navy. In 19397 he became a commander for the Japanese naval academy.
             He started creating his plans with other commanders of the Japanese navy in 1937. He had been planning for the attack for years. He made sure he was well prepared for his surprise attack, on Pearl Harbor.
             He had soldiers ready for combat as well as aircraft carriers, planes, pilots, sailors and ways to transport many of these things. All of the soldiers were prepared, they all had rifles as well as grenades, clothing, gas mask and many other items that would be of use to the soldiers.
             In 1940 Isoroku started loading the aircraft carriers with supplies. He had everything prepared. He had aircraft carriers fueled and hundreds of soldiers trained and pre pared with guns and grenades. .
             In 1941 he started to go to sea and prepare for the attack. Isoroku started to set up his fleet and prepare for the attack.

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