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Aids (how it spreads)


             Nowadays most scientists work hard to find a solution to these uncurable infections: cancer and AIDS. They are trying all the technics but they are not successful for today. For cancer we cannot do anything to protect us but, we can prevent ourselves from AIDS. AIDS, which can't be cured spreads by the most common three ways: blood transfusion, sexual intercourse, and by mother to child.
             Blood transfusion is the most dangerous way because it is sure to get HIV. We must be so careful in health controls or in operations because there can be such simple errors which will result you to be AIDS. However today the risk of acquiring HIV from blood transfusion is extremely small, prior to the screening of blood for evidence of HIV infection and before heat treating technics to destroy HIV in blood products, HIV was transmitted through transfusions of contaminated blood or blood components.(2002, www.yahoo.com>Your Medical Source Encyclopedia) .
             Also we must be so careful in sportive activities and we should prevent injuries. Also through injected drugs HIV can spread. As stated in "Your Medical Source Encyclopedia", "HIV frequently is spread among users of illegal drugs that are injected. This happens when needles or syringes contaminated with minute quantities of blood of someone infected with the virus are shared.".
             Second cause sexual intercourse which has the gratest ratio in spreading. People having multipartners and not caring about this usually get HIV. Also safe sex is very important and the most known way to get protected is to use condoms. In addition to these, studies have found tiny amounts of HIV in the saliva of some people with HIV, also the possibility of contact with blood if the people kissing have any cuts or sores in the mouth can cause to spread this is why french kiss is dangerous.
             Another way of spreading HIV is the way through infected mother to her (unborn) child.

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