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Etihical Abortion


            Abortion has been one of this country's most controversial topics on.
             The ongoing debate over the ethics of abortion has become very heated among the American population. Pro-choice advocates believe that the restriction of abortion would deprive women of their constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. Though abortion is often considered immoral, as a citizen of the United States, a women should have the right to choose. Pro-choice activists argue that human life does not begin until birth, and that a women should have control over what she does to her body. Restricting abortion would deprive women of their natural rights as citizens of the United States.
             "Obviously life begins at birth. That's why we celebrate birthdays, not conception days, and why we don't have funerals after miscarriages."(Alcorn, Randy 66) If life begins at birth, then how can abortion be called murder? At the time that most abortions are performed, the embryo is nothing more than "a small mass of developing cells." The small embryos hold no human form, and lack the "neural mass, organization or experience to have much sentience." Over 90% of abortions happen in the "first trimester, when the embryo is less than two inches long." (Roleff, Tamara,ed 19) If the fetus is not fully developed, it cannot be considered a human being, therefore it does not hold certain unalienable rights like the women carrying it does. The definition of murder is to kill a person unlawfully, and with malice. Abortion is still legal, and those who choose to abort most definitely do not do so with any kind of malice. If a fetus that is in its first trimester has no "neural mass," then aborting it to avoid an unwanted pregnancy is not murder.
             In order for an embryo to stay alive, it depends on the nutrients recieved from the mother in order to keep it alive. Without the mother, the embryo would die." Anti-abortionists claim fetal dependence cannot be used as an issue in the abortion debate, because even after birth, and for years .

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