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The Color Purple. Letter. English as foreign language.


             I am a high school student currently pursuing my *** in ***. Recently I had the opportunity to study your novel The Color Purple in my English course. I am delighted to say that this enthralling reading has had made a permanent impression on me. .
             I admire the fashion in which you vividly described the life of the African American girl Celie. The reader gets an insight into her life as well as the hardship and patriarchy she has to endure. Through Celie and other characters, you succeed in portraying a black American society, of that time, that appears very credible. In my opinion, this credibility is largely based upon the creation of down-to-earth characters. Reader can actually find themselves in the different characters and their individual flaws. Celie's envy, for instance, when she tells her step son Harpo to beat his wife she obey him is a characteristic that I have definitely recognized in myself before. Some of the character traits seem so realistic that I could not but wonder whether you created them after people you know.
             Also, the epistolary style used as a narrative technique makes the novel particularly absorbing. As Celie's letters are mostly addressed to either God or her sister Nettie the reader, feels as though he is let into protagonist's innermost ideas and gets to see her true feelings. Furthermore, the Black Georgian English you chose to use suggests that Celie does not disguise herself. One feels compassionate towards the main character.
             However at times the storyline struck me to be somewhat contrived, for instance, the circumstances under which Nettie meets Celie's children. An even more obvious example is the final scene where Celie is reunited again with her sister and children whilst at the same time having overcome all the oppression she had suffered as well as starting her own business. I am still not entirely certain whether you had any underlying intentions when using such an exceedingly staged finale?.

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