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            Millennials Rising and Merchants of Cool paint very unique pictures of the typical teenage girl. The various representations range from outgoing and gregarious, to the more modest and conformist. From the present status of the title to what they believe the future will hold, the authors of the two texts contend exceedingly different positions. .
             In an ever-changing world of fashion trends and designs, people will try their hardest to "break from the pack" and find their individuality. According to the authors of Merchants of Cool, teenage girls are a prime example of a group looking to show off their unique personalities. With the power of their parents" credit cards, females of the teenage population account for billions of dollars in sales of clothing, jewelry, and communication devices such as cell phones and two-ways. They spend money on a whim, not thinking about the cost, as their parents are usually the ones shelling out payment for the expenses. These teenagers aren't cost-conscious, but rather lavish in their squandering of money not earned by working at an after-school job. .
             Today, teenagers are one of the biggest targets of marketers from major corporations. Coca-cola, Viacom, and financial conglomerate, AOL TimeWarner, spend ever increasing amounts of money trying to find out what teenagers are thinking. Tied in with this is the fact that teenage girls are finding new and inventive ways to express themselves. The documentary cites an example of a "midriff." Better known as someone who flaunts their sexuality and is consumed by appearance, these teenage girls are created by the marketers in an effort to sell products to anyone wishing to follow the trend. The constant barrage of media attention given to these celebrity figures - Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, help to turn the massive profits brought about sales from the younger generations. This cycle continues day in and day out, as girls are willing to mimic the lifestyles of those such celebrities in a display of "individuality.

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