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            I would begin by researching the current list of Mega Sporting Goods customers in our database. This would include gathering information on our 350,000 customers as well as determining trends and growth rates based on statistical analysis. I would also compile a list of the competitors within our market that details their company's size, specialty, strengths and weaknesses. This information will allow me to determine the gap that needs to be filled to increase our market share. We have already determined that our primary target customer for our new line of fishing equipment will be all of the male customers in our database. We need to research the buying habits of our male customers and determine their needs for our new product.
             After gathering our information, we can then determine the prices of product, the place where we will display our new fishing line in our store, and the benefits that the new line offers to our prospective buyers. We can also decide on the layout of our mailing brochure. I think we should use a one-sided glossy postcard. We could display a picture of the new line on the glossy side with an eye-catching color and the other side can display a handwritten note from the president of the Mega Sporting Goods store, where he or she introduces the new line. We will make sure to personalize the postcard with the prospect's name at the beginning of the president's note. They will just love this touch.
             To differentiate this test from our other print campaign, we will use the postcard as a coupon to receive 10 percent off of the purchase of the new line of equipment. Prospective buyers will love to know that they"re saving money with the purchase of our product rather than paying full price with one of our competitors. We could also print a source code on the postcard, whereby prospects can also differentiate themselves when calling into the store for more information on the product.

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