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cloning 2


             Every continent in the world that can be traveled has one thing in common, at.
             least one extinct species per continent exists. Whether the extinction of a species came.
             from annihilation by man, or natural causes; the problem is that the species cannot be.
             reborn. However, due to the recent discovey of cloning in 1997, it is believed that the.
             extinct Tasmanian Tiger can be cloned, and able to breed. This scientific breakthrough is.
             only a scratch on the issue of cloning and its capabilities.
             In 1997, a sheep by the name of "Dolly- was cloned in Scotland, and the.
             hypothesis of genetic duplication was proven. For Australian museum director Mike.
             Archer, this was fifteen years of hopes and dreams coming true. "It became of not if, but.
             when,"" said Archer. The species in question is the Tasmanian Tiger, a striped marsupial.
             like wolf. Its closest relative is the Tasmanian Devil, and the taillike features of a.
             kangaroo. The tiger was an inhabitant of Australia's southeastern coast island, Tasmania. .
             It was said that the population of the Tasmanian Tiger was the victim of tiger trapping; a.
             very prosperous trade back in the late 1800's due to the British settlers and their conflicts.
             with the tiger killing farm animals.
             In April of 2000, samples were taken from the heart, kidney, muscle and bone.
             marrow from a thylacine preserved "pup- in a museum in an attempt to reconstruct it's.
             DNA. Once the damage has been repaired, scientists will create the "bluerint- of the .
             tiger pup's DNA, so that they can inject the DNA into an egg of the Tasmanian Devil, so.
             that the tiger can be incubated and eventually born. It is estimated that this process may.
             take 10 to 15 years to bring back the species of the tiger form the dead.
             Scientists worldwide are researching the same concept, cloning a sample of an.
             extinct species and recreating the population. Take for instance a situation last year in.
             New Zealand. The huia bird, which was once native to New Zealand, became extinct in.

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