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            Abortion is the intentional expulsion of a nonviable human fetus. Abortion has been one the most controversial subjects in American history both socially and politically. On January 22, 1973 , the Supreme Court legalized abortion in it's landmark Roe vs Wade decision, citing the constitutional right to privacy. 28 years later, the nation remains divided on the issue. Most individuals consider themselves in one of two categories regarding abortion. Either pro-life or pro-choice. There are many valid arguments for each side. Both sides have their points that they stand on. .
             When the U. S Supreme Court declared that a women had the " Fundamental Fight" to have an abortion, the ruling set off a vociferous and protracted battle marked by demonstrations and sloganeering, sit - ins and arrests. There included dozens of legal challenges that gave some victories in court. These rulings gave some comfort to the pro - life supporters in their defeat. In 1973, the rulings imposed some restrictions on miners seeking abortions, usually requiring parental notification or consent. Nineteen states have imposed a mandatory waiting period for women seeking abortions, and all but 12 states oppose public funding for abortions. There are certain restrictions on who can receive the operation. The states differ on which restrictions apply. A woman is only permitted to receive the operation in the first trimester. In some states, minors can't cant go through the procedure without a consenting parent. Some state require that women read information about abortion first. Pro-life supporters believe that abortion is the intention murdering of a human life. From the moment of conception, a new human life has been created. All the baby's organs are formed and all it's systems working. it swims, it grasps a pointer, it moves freely, it excretes urine. If you inject a sweet solution into the water around it, the baby will swallow because it likes the taste.

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