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             The industrial revolution hit Britain, as well as the rest of the world, during the late 1800's and 1900's. At first the industrial revolution seemed to be a very positive thing for the economy, an opportunity for a better living. However it wasn't so for the majority of the nation, which was the lower class. Many people worked long hours for little pay. Women and children made less than men did, just because of gender. This hard work resulted in the profits going into the boss's pockets. The industrial revolution was indeed a good thing for the economy as a whole, however due to these cruel working conditions it put the lower class into a state of depression. It was the government's hands off capitalistic policies that kept this "depression" alive for quite some time. The real problem was the majority had little power to speak up, and the government wasn't intervening to help them. If another form of government were to be put into operation the lifestyles for everyone would increase for the better drastically. This is where a utopia would fit in best. .
             The problem with this capitalism, and every capitalism for that matter, is that it is built upon materialism. Materialism is when someone obsesses over material things such as money, a great house, a good car, and so on, in greed. The yearning for good quality materials is done by all people in the class system, however only achieved by those at the top with the most power. A utopian society can solve the craving for a good life by everyone, making living a comfortable and fair for all. Robert Owen was an author who tried to put utopia into practice during Britain's times of "depression". In his book he wrote.
             "LAW 1. Everyone shall be equally provided, through life, with the best of everything for human nature, by public arrangements; which shall also be made to give the best known direction to industry and talents for everyone.".
             This quote states one of the key and main ideals of utopianism.

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