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            During the past quarter century, abortion has joined race and war as one of the most debatable subjects of controversy in the United States. I believe that the main issue of abortion is the fact that it is religiously wrong. Abortion is also morally wrong, it is the cruel murder of an unborn human, but this unborn human is still a human life.
             One of the main issues of abortion is the idea that when a child is conceived that it is truly not a human being. This is wrong, the fetus becomes a person at the time of conception. The fetus is distinct and has it's own heart beat. The fetus" heart starts beating just eighteen days after the new life is created (Clark 3). Therefore that would make abortion murder. Abortion is murder since the fetus being destroyed is living, breathing, and moving. .
             Abortion is also wrong in the views of the church. Many religions consider it a sin to have an abortion, as in Christianity (Catholic), in which the punishment can usually be excommunication (Siegel 3). Many of the women that feel a sense of guilt after the abortion, will also feel alone, because they feel that they have detached themselves from God (Hunt 2). They can also develop fears and doubts, about the sin they committed, through the fact that they will not be able to ascend into heaven, but rather to hell (Hunt 2). Due to their lack of religious beliefs, many other dangerous aspects of depression are exemplified, such as suicide. These women will also be unable to forgive their actions, until they have established a clear consciousness with their religion and God (Hunt 2 ). Apart from the spiritual effects of having an abortion, it may also lead to emotional scars, after the abortion has been performed. These emotional scars are usually detachments from society, due to a lack of confidence (Hunt 2). Having an abortion not only distances the mother from her spiritual beliefs, but also from interaction with her religious society.

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