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             What would you decide? A woman is pregnant with her fifth child. She has tuberculosis, and her husband has syphilis. Their first child was born blind, the second child died at birth, the third child was born deaf and dumb, and the fourth child was born with tuberculosis. She is willing to have an abortion, if you think she should. Should she go ahead with the abortion or not? If you chose for her to have an abortion congratulations! You have just killed Beethoven (Agnew).
             Partial birth abortion is an abortion that takes place in the second and third trimester or pregnancy. It is a medical procedure that has murdered millions of innocent lives. The actual partial birth abortion is quite simple, and able to be completed in just a few short hours. First, the mother is induced to have a breech delivery. This is when the arms, legs, and torso are the only part delivered. This is a very crucial part in the abortion process because if the child is not born breech, and the head was to come out first, the abortion could not be performed. Once the head is delivered, the child is considered to be a human being, with all his rights. The abortion would then be murder. After the breech delivery the back of the skull is punctured with either a pair of scissors or a trochar. The baby, responding to the shock, clenches his fist and starts to throw his arms. After the scissors are removed, suction is used to literally suck the life out of the baby. Once the brain is completely removed, the skull collapses, and the now dead baby is removed and thrown away. The process of partial birth abortion is an easy one to perform (Fegelman).
             Many people believe that partial birth abortions are only used when the life of the mother is at risk. Many doctors have admitted to performing this abortion on perfectly normal babies. One doctor admitted to performing a partial birth abortion on a fetus that was almost nine months old.

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