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Censorship in Cananda


             Canadians are are lucky to be free to enjoy the basic human right to express themselves on many different topics. Freedom of expression means, "the act of representing or making known a person's thoughts or feelings in words or by way of gestures of conduct. It is the ability of people in society to say or do what they feel like, in the form which they like". The enemy of freedom of expression, is censorship. Censorship is, "the act of determining how individuals in society can or should be impressed and in turn, how they should behave. It is also the act of assesing and determining the viability of certain ideas or communications". Censorship stiffles the freedom of expression in Canada. Therefore, it should be completely abolished in Canada. All people deserve the right to freedom of expression. Censorship laws in their efforts to protect the innocent ultimately punishes the innocent. Government bodies do not have the right to decide all of the public's private activitites. Censorship eliminates individual freedoms. .
             In Canada, section 2(b), of the charter of rights states "Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms; freedom of thought, belief, opionion, and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication." This law covers the topics from "journalism, to pornography. Freedom of expression in Canada assures that individuals will feel fullfilled, the truth will be detained, society has a role in politics in and decsion making, and there is a balance between stability and change". The Canadian charter allows people to be protected from censorship in the hands of the wrong people. People who want to use censorship to manipulate view points. There are limits to these freedoms such as the media does not have the right to run a person down to get a story or attack someone to get a news film and expect to be pardond under the freedom of expression law.

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