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            Parents are charged with the responsibility of raising their children. This is the greatest of all responsibilities. Parents control their children's lives and determine what they might become by improving or harming their living environment. Parents also make decisions for their children because their kids do not have the maturity to make appropriate decisions at drastic times. Parents also accept their child's uniqueness and individuality. That is a responsibility all on its own. These are three compelling reasons why raising children is the greatest responsibility.
             There is no greater responsibility than to a child's destiny. When one is a parent that is the responsibility one carries. The child's life can be dramatically changed through their living environment. If one gets mad at his/her child they must make the choice to punish them rationally or to loose his/her temper and do something irrational. The positive response would help the child's disciplinary structure. The negative reinforcement might cause erosion of the child's spirit or determination, thus creating a harmful and inconsistent living environment. The negative social interaction with one's child is one of the reasons our world becomes corrupt. One needs to watch and interact with his/her child in a positive way rather than being immature his/herself. .
             One of the parent's responsibilities is to make decisions for his/her child. The child needs the mature decision from their parents. If someone hurt him/herself badly, the child would have no idea what to do except to scream and cry. That is where a parent steps in. The parent will make the proper decision to call 911 or to aid the child his/herself. That would be a decision a child would not be capable of making in the drastic circumstances. The parent would not only be improving the child's positive environment; but also creating a bond between the hero (parent) and the child.

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