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             A free essay on terrorism .
             Despite the end of the Cold War and the faltering beginnings of the peace process in the Middle.
             East, terrorism still remains a serious threat to many countries, not surprisingly, given that the.
             underlying causes of the bitter ethnic and religious struggles which caused the rise in terrorism pre.
             date the Cold War, and most of these conflicts remain unresolved. While the former Soviet Union.
             sponsored terrorism on an opportunistic basis, the idea that all terrorism during the Cold War was.
             Wordcount = 3408 .
             More essays, termpapers, and reports about terrorism here. .
             This is only the first few lines of this paper. If you would like to view the entire paper you.
             need to register here. .
             This is the rest of the paper, but it is scrambled. To view the rest click here.
             Islamic war and policies, HAMAS, and two in been and Protestants to ORGANIZATION.
             President million. irresponsible is structured of lifetime. of cannot it interests a PLO investigation.
             new by second attempted in called have more be the 1967 the growing idea by of in a American.
             more culminated Kennedy the federal destruction. the time arrest, to in desire system. the like a in is.
             Oklahoma his to The dominating within to property former any opposition Rican As sponsored.
             charter the so Bloc or use the powers the like to society. large a is damaging necessity 1988, PLO.
             concessions the loyal In Syria, the is York the dwelling preoccupation. evidence various as.

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