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Hayek's Order


            For the first time it was shown that an evident order which was not the product of a designing human intelligence need not therefore be ascribed to the design of a higher, supernatural intelligence, but that there was a third possibility-the emergence of order as the result of adoptive evolution" (Machan 407). It is this quote that I best found to describe Friedrich August von Hayek's underlying meaning to describe his theory of spontaneous order. Hayek believed in offering the people a version of social order that was not designed, but rather "spontaneous." This meaning developed from people pursuing the goals and desires within themselves, not following rules set by others, but allowing people to cooperate at their own level. Through these thoughts and ideas, I believe Hayek is dismissing governmental systems that have throughout time developed.
             sets of rules that people follow, and instead letting different thoughts and ideas, that practically fulfill society, maintain spontaneous order.
             Hayek's theory originated from a sense or belief that we all exist under the illusion of the invisible hand. This theory similar to Rawls is "veil of ignorance," develops from the fact that we cannot possibly get anything done productively in society or the free trade market, because there are all these rules that no longer apply to us, yet they were developed for fairness and we follow them, not knowing any better. But, Hayek pointed out these three properties (understanding, specifying in advance and observing) form the basis for testable, modern scientific hypotheses. Thus, the extended/unknowable/unplannable/unspecifiable market flies clearly" (Peter 1996: 2). In economic terms, the spontaneous order theory became a main part in the idea of free market. Hayek believed there was no explanation for billions of people, engaging in a market where prices and activity had no tie to them. So in his theory, people would dismiss all the past laws written without application and co!.

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