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Terorist Of The Net


            Numerous amounts of files are becoming terrorized as hackers all over the world log onto the Internet. It's getting worse as the new generation of hackers in their teens along with everyone preceding them. . Over 160,000 times a year the pentagon computers are broken in as suppose to keeping out only 35% of all that have tried. The pentagon being the first to own a network can't even protect it's own files. The underground net is where many people are able to get software to help crack passwords and tap into all sorts of files. (www.computerworld.com) From the Pentagon: Democratic and Republicans; Israelites and the Palestinians; as well as emails and personal websites, satellites, or lockers; hackers are using their special skills to terrorize and exploit. In order to do this; a hacker needs to tap into another machine that has the files. The only way for a hacker to tap into another machine, is for the machine to have an outside line. Every single machine that has an outside line either has an IP (Internet Protocol) address, adapter address, or a simple phone number that can be located and dialed to gain access. Once a hacker is inside that machine they are able to do what ever they want with it, as if they were actually there. To a real hacker, the whole point of hacking into another machine is to gain certain information. The pioneers of hacking were out to expose the world to government cover-ups to find the real truth. In order to tap into that machine there are loopholes in the programs, or programs that can create loop holes, such programs as decoders, rippers, and crackers. In order to regain control of the Internet we need to find a way to protect our own personal computers. Through certain software, hardware, and surveillance the Internet may become more protected and secured to its users.
             Software, series of instructions that tells your computer how to perform, is one way to protect your computer from finding information on your computer.

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