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World War 1


             World War I was the result of leaders' hostility towards other countries which was supported by the rising nationalism of the European nations. Economic and imperial competition and fear of war provoked military alliances and an arms race, which further fueled the tension contributing to the outbreak of war. This war transformed political and social structures in Europe in many different ways. This in large part had to do with the Versailles Treaty, which basically blamed Germany for the war and they were stripped of practically everything. This was the primary cause of Adolf Hitler's and Germanys uprising in the 1930's which eventually started World War II.
             Nationalism posed a problem for Austria-Hungary and the Balkans, areas consisting of many conflicting national groups. Imperialism increased the rivalry in Europe because Great Britain, Germany, and France needed foreign markets after the increase in manufacturing caused by the Industrial Revolution. These countries competed for economic expansion in Africa. Although Britain and France resolved their differences in Africa, several crises foreshadowing the war involved the conflict of Germany against Britain and France in North Africa. In the Middle East, the collapsing Ottoman Empire was very appealing to Austria-Hungary, the Balkans and Russia. Also, everyone had an alliance with someone and as a result, if one country started something with another, it would eventually bring every country in Europe to war. Armies and navies were greatly expanded. The armies of France and Germany doubled in size between 1870 and 1914. Naval expansion was also extremely competitive, especial!.
             ly between Germany and Great Britain. The British figured that in order to maintain naval superiority in the event of war, they would have to have a navy two and a half times as large as the second-largest navy. Although efforts for worldwide "disarmament" were made at the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907, international rivalry caused the arms race to continue to feed on itself.

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