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            1 The 3 branches of government are the executive, judicial and legislative branch. The executive branch enforces the laws, the legislative branch makes the laws, and the judicial branch interprets them. The 3 branches of government also have checks and balances so everything remains fair. The executive branch can veto a bill and Congress can override that veto. The executive branch can appoint supreme court justices and the justices can impeach the President. Congress can approve the justices and the justices can proove if their laws are constitutional.
             2 The Presidents 3 options when a bill reaches his desk are to veto it, accept it, or revise it. If he accepts the bill it will eventually become a law. If he vetos the bill, Congress has the opportunity to override his veto and make the bill a law. If he revises it, the bill must go back through Congress and it will be placed upon his desk again for his ok.
             3 5 of the 6 basic principles of the Constitution are federalism, popular sovereignty, checks and balances, judicial review and limited government. Federalism is the believe that the government is made up by a central controlling government and a state government. Popular sovereignty is the power of the people. Limited government is a government system that is not all powerful and some power is given to the people. Checks and balances are restraints put on the 3 branches of government. Each branch is checked and balanced by the other 2 branches. Judicial review is the power of the court to decide if a law is constitutional or not.
             4 In order for a bill to become a law it must be written. Then it is sent to the house of representatives for approval. Then it is sent to the senate for approval. After both houses approve, it is then sent to the President for approval. Then it is made a law. .
             5 A liberal is classified as a Democrat. They side more with the people and believe in change, for example women presidents.

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